Sunday, June 23, 2013

Corpus Cristi

Happy Corpus Cristi!  Corpus Cristi is a great celebration that happens here in Cusco, Peru every May.  Just so you know- side note- May and June are supposably the best months to be in Cuzco because May is Corpus Cristi and June is Inca celebration month.  So, I could not have picked a better time to be here.

They told us Corpus Cristi would be crazy - but really we had no idea how many people could fit in the little plaza de armas (center of town).  Here are the series of events: 1. Everyone goes down to the center of town for Mass.  It is outside and there is a beautiful boys choir, incense burning, and lots of prayers said by the Catholic leadership in Cusco.  (this all takes place in front of the Cathedral in Cusco.  2. Everyone eats Churiuchi (this is the typical meal for the day including: guinea pig, turkey, sausage, corn bread,quinoa, seaweed, and beer) 3. Parade of Saints through the square.  

Here are some pictures.  Check it out!
Before the parade in front of the cathedral in the main square.
The traditional food Churiuchi.  Including turkey, guinea pig, sausage, fish eggs and more!
One of the saints.
Note the young men carrying the saint.  It weighs a lot!
My view from Starbucks. 
I also ot my favorite Peruvian cookie!

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