Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our Dog, Kronk

I know what you are thinking...enough with the Emperor's New Grove references.  I'm sorry, they just keep coming and I don't think they are going to stop.   So... sorry, not sorry.  Anyways, you must know about a very important figure in our life here in Cuzco.  Her name is Kronk (yes she is a girl). She is a puppy that belongs to the family that lives upstairs.  She is probably less than a year old and is, I have to admit, really cute.  One thing you need to know about Peruvian dogs- if they live outside they roll and play in the dirt, trash, yucky sewer water, etc.  To get straight to the point- don't touch any dog you see in Peru. Period.  

Well, puppies don't really know not to jump on you and here they don't listen to english commands.  We met our puppy (we call her ours because she might as well be) the first day we got here.  From the first day she made friends with us and decided to be our loyal friend.  We decided to call her Kronk #1 because we didn't realize she was a girl at first, #2 because she is extremely loyal, #3 she is happy all the time, #3 she is kind of dumb (like she falls of the curb while walking because she is looking at us with her goofy grin).  Well, recently our landlord has asked us to please not let the dog in.  They are training her to live outside.  This means that instead of the puppy going inside whenever we go in our out, she decides to follow us.  We don't really know what to do because it's not like we have a leash or anything.  She just follows us.  Across really busy roads, down any alley way, into stores, into bakery's and yesterday she followed us all the way to work.  Our walk to work is about 1.5 miles long.  Normally she gets distracted or tired and decides to turn around and go home while she is following us.  However, this was not the case yesterday.  She followed us all the way to the clinic and waited outside the front door crying from 9:00-11:00 am.  Then we decided that we would take her home and hope she wouldn't follow us again.  We have now become great escape artists- we have come to find that if we go up the street and around the corner she won't follow us (for now).  Until we find out what command means "stop following us you stupid dog" I think our loyal friend will follow us anywhere.  Maybe that's ok- she can protect us from other dogs and bad guys.  Here are some pictures of her for your viewing pleasure.  I present.... drum roll please... our dog.... KRONK!

This is Kronk and I in front of my work- she looks pretty hapy to be there, right?

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