Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

The only thing that comes into my head right now is the scene from The Emperor's New Groove where they pretend it is Ezma's birthday to escape and get out of the restaurant.  If you don't remember- you seriously need to brush up on your ENG trivia.  Honestly, the birthday song from that scene is epic.

Well, unlike Ezma I did not spend my birthday in some random restaurant in the middle of the jungle. BUT I did celebrate my birthday on top of a mountain!  Impressive, right?  It was great and I'll tell you a few of our adventures getting to the top.

It starts with the night before, Saturday May 25, 2013.  Stephanie had the great idea of going out for a great birthday dinner and of course I could not say no.  We went to get the best american food in Cuzco, at a restaurant called Jacks.  I got the biggest hamburger I think I have ever eaten in my entire life.  We also ate chocolate cake, ice cream and bon bons!  Cameron, Stephanie, and our new friend Maria Jose from Arrequipa joined me in celebrating.  After stuffing our faces with awesome american food we decided to walk around Cuzco. I wanted to look at some art and price out a few things to bring back to the states.  We found some really cute stores including one that had these really cute sheep stuffed animals with their tongues sticking out- so naturally I had to take a picture with me sticking out my tongue too.  Obviously I am so much more mature now that I am 24.  Then we decided to find the 12 sided inca stone in downtown Cuzco.  We took a picture and I got in trouble for touching the stone.  Then we went around in search for a cake. The plan was to find a chocolate cake to take to the top of a mountain (really any mountain) in Cuzco and eat it there on my birthday.  Stephanie and I came up with that idea on our own.  We are pretty creative.  We found this really cute birthday cake for only 15 soles downtown and it looked really good and everything else they sold at the bakery was really yummy so we bought it.  Scratch that- Stephanie bought it for me. Thanks Stephanie!!  We got home early, and slept in on Sunday Morning (May 26, 2013- my birthday).

Sunday was great, we went to church in Cuzco with all of our peruvian brothers and sisters.  Then we came home and had semi-decent peanut butter sandwiches.  As I sat contemplating my peanut butter feast I had no idea how awesome the rest of the day would turn out.  (By the way, Peanut Butter in South America just does not compare to PB in the states).  We had planned on Cameron picking us up from our apartment after a 1-2 hour nap.  When he came he brought a friend- Eelko from Holland!  He is the first friend we met that day.  Eelko is in med school in Holland and came to spend some time in Cuzco to get better at speaking spanish and to get a well rounded education.  He is 22 and is really a funny guy who speaks really great english.  We decided to hike up Saqsaywaman (which is pronounced Sexy Woman- quite appropriate, right? I thought so).  At the top of Saqsaywaman is Cristo Blanco which is a huge white statue of Christ stretching his arms out.  It is beautiful, the view of Cuzco from the top is incredible.  Eelko took us on the "off road" track up the mountain which went through crazy bushes and steep climbs.  It was challenging and fun. We each took turns holding the cake, and somehow Eelko ended up with the cake at the end of the hike- poor guy, he had no idea what he was getting into.  On the way up we ran into 4 American students. They are all studying something to do with medicine, one is studying pharmacy, nursing, etc.  They asked us how to get up to the top.  We showed them where the easy way up was and raced them to the top.  Thanks to Eelko's navigating skills we beat them to the top.  At the top we found a green patch and opened the cake and took out a few plastic spoons and decided to go at it.  There are some awesome pictures on facebook you should check out that witness our feast.  Then, when the other 4 american's got to the top we invited them to eat cake with us and they joined us.  They had just gotten to Cuzco so we had a fun time telling them about what we had been doing there and the fun and not so fun things we had experienced while in Cuzco.  We got their names and are all friends on facebook now- we are going to see them tomorrow for the city festival Corpus Cristo.  They all sang happy birthday to me, ate lots of cake and we all had a great time.  The cake was great- however it was not chocolate... haha, I knew that there would be a 50-50 chance of the cake actually being chocolate.  Doesn't matter, it was still awesome.  On the way down the hill we ran into a woman selling choclo con queso.  It was only 2.5 soles and so I bought one for dinner.  It is just huge corn on the cob and a slice of cheese- but it is heavenly!  I love it and it was the best birthday dinner ever.  

When I got home I got to skype good friends and family.  It was a great way to end a perfect birthday.  As I spend my second birthday in Peru I get to reflect on all the series of events in my life that have lead to this point.  It has been a windy crazy road with lots of wonderful and testing life challenges. This past year alone has been one of great growth and change.  I have made so many friends that have changed my life.  I love the Cristo Blanco at the top of the mountain and realize that as I continue to hike towards Christ, figuratively, everything will be so wonderful.  He is my rock and has blessed me immensely.  I have had a great 24 years and I look forward to another great year full of experiences and friendships.  I am so thankful for my awesome family and friends.  I am grateful to my new friends in Peru who made my birthday so memorable.  Here's to being 24 and awesome!

Peace Out.- Allie

Stephanie and I on the way up with the cake!

When we got to the top of the mountain.  We were proud!

Eating cake never tasted so good!

Eelko especially liked the cake.

Our new American friends!!!

My feast of choclo on queso:)

I like this picture because Christ is behind me with His arms stretched out, like always.  With hope always shining brightly.

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