Sunday, May 5, 2013

Getting there!

My flight leaves tomorrow to PERU!  Honestly, I am extremely excited to return to my beautiful Peru.  I was a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a year and a half in Peru.  I spent time in the amazons and in the busy city of Lima.  This time I get to visit CUZCO.  My only reference/familiarity of Cuzco comes from the Emperor's New Groove.  If you have not seen this movie before... you have not lived.  It is by far one of the top 10 Disney movies.  Here is a great scene from the movie.  Hopefully I won't be falling off any cliffs of raging water, talking with squirrels or fearful of throwing off the Emperor's groove.  But I not so secretly hope that the clinic I will be working in will look like Pacha's house at the top of the hill.

A huge highlight of my trip will be getting down to Cuzco.  My parents are coming down with me for a week and we will be tracing my mission steps. First we will go to Lima, then Pucallpa, back to Lima and on to Cuzco.  It will be an adventure!  Hopefully my Spanish speaking skill's aren't too rough and I can remember my way around.

I am extremely grateful for this internship opportunity BYU has given me and the opportunity the Lord has given me to return to a people who I love.  Peruvians are of the most humble, loving, kind, generous, and caring people I have ever met.  It is hard to believe that I will be again permitted to dwell among them and be blessed by their culture, food and illuminating spirits.  I know that they are truly a special people and that God loves them very much.  Since I have been home from my mission I have realized that the Lord has not ceased to bless me.  He has guided my paths to learning experiences, trials, and opportunities to serve.  I know that while I am again in Peru I will have many new experiences, and most likely funny anecdotes.  So, I have created this blog so you can follow along!  Enjoy!  Feel free to email me, facebook-me or skype me while I'm in Peru this summer!  
Much Love, Allie


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hope you're having fun!

  3. Love this! Would love to skype while you're there! Have fun and be safe :)
