Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm officially an intern! Love my team, love my life!

Sometimes I forget that I'm an intern! This is really happening- I am actually putting my skills/knowledge/experience to test.  And the good news is that .... drum roll please.... I really like it!  That doesn't seem like a big deal, but to me it really is.  I am excited that I get excited to do the work that I am doing.  It is something new every day and it is a lot of hands on work.  

For the first week here in Cuzco I am with three professors I have worked with and four students. Three masters students and one other bachelors student.  I am working in two different projects while I am here. One of my projects includes public health initiatives in a well known worldwide clinic called San Juan De Dios. This is a hospital/clinic that is known for taking care of disadvantaged children and mentally and physically handicapped children.  It is a great clinic and the people who work there are fantastic.  The other project I will be working on will include a group of high schools in Cuzco.  A while ago BYU administered surveys regarding use of technology and health behaviors at 8 schools in Cuzco.  We are now presenting the results and offering our services as public health professionals and health educators to train staff on how to incorporate preventative health strategies in the classroom.  In my free time this summer I plan on volunteering with the children at the clinic.  

We went to 4 different schools today.  My professors were convinced that no one would be very interested in talking to us.  However, it looks like all of the schools are interested in us returning and presenting our services.  It will be me and another student who will be returning.  We will really have to be on top of our game!  They received us well and one skill wants us to participate in their anniversary activity!  This may or may not include a cover of John Trevolta or Justin Beaver... tbd... Either way it will be a great celebration to be at because there will be typical dances, music, and a ton of really cute little peruvian kids!  The school has two group of students, elementary and high school.  The 5th graders will be presenting a big number because they are graduating to secondary school.  Today's work felt a lot like missionary work.  We knocked on the door in the rain hoping people would let us in.  Then we presented a message and asked for a follow up appointment. Then we left them with a commitment, to read the results from the survey we took.  It was great fun to remember my mission and to be here as a returned missionary.  I love being able to tell people that I lived in their country for a year and a half.  It gives me almost instant credibility and is helpful in understanding the culture and customs.

Some fun things we have done: 
1. We hiked a big ol' hill in Cuzco (remember we are WAY up here in elevation).  I definitely got into the mountain biking/ off trail hiking/ step counting group.  It is awesome!  I am definitely being pushed both mentally and physically.  All of my professors are very in shape and were ahead of all of the students on the hike.  It was a great trial to get to the top of the hill but once we did it was really fantastic.  We then hiked down (which was about as difficult as hiking up).  Then at the bottom of the hill we ran into a bunch of kids who invited us to play soccer.  So we did!  Then we played soccer for about 45 minutes.  It was pretty dark so it was hard to see, but I actually played a pretty mean goalie!  I didn't let one goal in ;)  Shout out to Mom and Dad who made me play little league soccer.

2. We ate AWESOME sandwiches at Jack's restaurant in the center of Cuzco.  Maybe it wasn't very authentic BUT it was great.  I had a grilled cheese with pesto and tomatoes.  It was SO good! 

3. We live across the street from the cutest little peruvian bakery.  It is owned by a man named Cesar and his wife.  They love us and know us by name.  Every morning we have been going there for breakfast because they have really good cheese and other kinds of empanadas.  

4. Ok... I realize all the cool things we have done are about food- but food is on my top 5 things most important in my life so... But we ate at this really good pizza place called La Bodega.  It is really funky and has a lot of fun modern art in it.  We had this leon pizza (that means lion pizza in spanish).  It was AMAZING!

5. Every day I hike up the RB stairs x 5.  Our professors are living up this really steep hill and it is killer.  I think if I keep going at this rate I am going to have the best cut calves ever!

6. This is premature, but tomorrow I am going to Macchu Picchu again!  It's going to be the second time in less than a week.  I am very excited because we are going to hike Huanupichu and we will be staying the night in a hostel in Aguas Calientes.  It's going to be great!  I will blog about it next week.  Until then, Buenas Noches!

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